Terms and conditions for renters

These terms and conditions constitute an agreement between Hyre AB (Hyre), org. no: 559370-4645, as the service provider of the products and services covered by the Hyre app, and you as the renter (Renter).

This agreement governs your rights and obligations as a user of Hyre’s products and services through the Hyre app, as well as Hyre’s rights and obligations as the service provider. Access to and use of the service require that you, as the user, have accepted these terms and conditions. We encourage you to carefully read and understand the applicable terms and conditions for Hyre, which also include the privacy policy and other conditions for Hyre.

Renter at Hyre

The service is made available to you by Hyre. Renter status can be applied for by individuals aged 18 or older. For renters, it is required that you have a valid driver’s license for class B vehicles. Hyre automatically verifies the driving eligibility with the Swedish Transport Agency when a new user is registered and at the start of every rental agreement. In cases where driving eligibility cannot be automatically verified, Hyre will request a photo of the renter’s driver’s license. It is not allowed to create more than one profile per person. A profile with Hyre is personal and cannot be transferred. We reserve the right to wholly or partially transfer the rights and obligations we have assigned to you to another company. This means that the information we have stored about you may be transferred to another company. If such a transfer occurs, you will be notified by Hyre within a reasonable time before the transfer.

Order and contract process

When an order has been received by our server, a legally binding agreement has been established between the renter and Hyre. As soon as the rental agreement has been registered with us, you will receive a confirmation via email and in your profile in the Hyre app. If a binding order is canceled or changed, the renter will be charged according to the applicable price list. We reserve the right to deny a rental agreement without further explanation.

When booking a car, the following conditions are part of the agreement between the renter, Hyre, the insurance company, and Hyre:

  1. Terms for renters described in this document
  2. Insurance conditions
  3. Terms for applicable prices, fees, and reimbursement rules

Prices and payment

Hyre’s current prices are listed in the Hyre app and should be considered an integral part of this agreement. All prices are stated inclusive of VAT unless otherwise specified. The renter is responsible for all costs related to the rental agreement: rental price, ongoing costs for tolls, extra kilometers, fuel costs, parking fees, and any other costs charged to the car owner during the rental period. Our rental prices change continuously, and we reserve the right to adjust prices due to changes in supplier prices, consumer price index, or market conditions.

Hyre can charge the renter retrospectively for an agreed fixed fee, kilometer charges, insurance, amounts for reducing the deductible, costs for returning the car due to negligence or returning the car to a location other than agreed, collection fees, and late payment interest. Hyre may also charge the user for public fines, parking fees, unpaid toll charges, studded tire fees, and similar public charges for which the car owner is responsible along with the driver.

Hyre can further charge the renter retrospectively for washing, cleaning, repairs, and maintenance resulting from damage or violations of our terms. This includes all internal and external administrative or handling costs, and transportation or handling fees, such as re-invoicing fees and costs associated with moving the vehicle or assessing damage. In cases where the car is unavailable for rent due to damage or repairs, the renter’s liability includes loss of income in accordance with the established rates from Norway’s Car Rental Association and Finance Norway.

In addition, the renter must ensure that an electric vehicle is charged upon return. If this is not done, the renter will be charged a fee according to the current price list. Retrospective charges may be automatically debited from the user’s specified credit card. If this is not possible, Hyre will invoice the outstanding amount, with an additional invoice fee and administrative fee according to Hyre’s current rates.

The above-mentioned costs will be charged by Hyre as the service provider of the individual service, or alternatively on behalf of the lessor or a third-party provider.

Rent is payable from the time the car is reserved during pre-booking or immediately for short-term rentals.

Rent is paid via a registered bank or credit card. For a fixed rental amount, Hyre may charge the full rental amount before the rental agreement starts. A deposit is reserved on the card no earlier than at the time of booking and no later than the start of the rental agreement. Hyre may charge continuously during the rental agreement on behalf of a third-party provider. Rental prices, toll charges, extra kilometers, and fuel costs are generally charged on the same day the rental period ends but may be adjusted later in case of any discrepancies. Hyre can use the card to charge costs for which the renter is responsible after the rental agreement has ended.

Hyre reserves the right to conduct a credit check. At the time of booking, Hyre may require advance payment confirmation for the rent. In the event of non-payment, the claim will be sent to collection after prior notification.

See Terms for applicable prices, fees, and reimbursement rules for more information.

Duration of the Rental Agreement

The renter must return the vehicle specified in the booking before the latest return time. The return is considered complete when the vehicle is locked, the rental period is finished, and photos of all sides of the car have been taken and submitted via the Hyre app.

The car must be parked at the parking location specified for that particular car. The parking must be valid for at least 24 hours after the end of the rental period. In cases where parking in the designated location is not possible, Hyre must be contacted immediately for further instructions on where to return the vehicle. Returning the vehicle outside the designated location or area without Hyre’s approval is at the renter’s own risk, and the renter is responsible for covering any additional costs and associated fees according to Hyre’s current prices for returns outside the designated area. For late returns of the vehicle, in addition to the cost of the extended rental period, a fee will be charged according to current prices.

Hyre may, for valid reasons, require the vehicle to be returned earlier than agreed.

In case of delayed returns or cancellation of a rental agreement, the " Terms for applicable prices, fees, and reimbursement rules" apply.

Renter’s Obligations and Responsibilities

The renter agrees to comply with the regulations and terms of use applicable to Hyre at the time. The renter is personally responsible for following traffic rules while driving and for checking indicators, brakes, seat belts, tires, air pressure, and similar before using the car.

Renter’s Handling and Use of the Vehicle

The renter is responsible for the car and expenses resulting from the use of the car during the rental period until return, including parking fines, speeding tickets, and tolls. The renter is required to park according to local regulations. The renter must always lock the car and leave any car keys in the designated location. The vehicle must be returned in the same condition as at the start of the rental agreement, including the vehicle’s accessories and equipment.

The renter agrees to handle the car responsibly and not to:

  1. Smoke in the car
  2. Take the car outside of the Nordics without Hyre’s approval
  3. Use the car for driving practice, racing, speed tests, test driving, or competitions
  4. Transport passengers for a fee
  5. Use the car for illegal purposes or criminal activities
  6. Transfer the vehicle to others or allow it to be driven by unauthorized drivers
  7. Tow or move another vehicle
  8. Leave the vehicle unlocked or in a manner that makes it accessible to others
  9. Refill with incorrect fuel
  10. Transport pets unless agreed with Hyre
  11. Drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs or in an impaired condition, according to applicable Swedish law
  12. Jump-start the vehicle or use the car to jump-start other cars

The renter is liable for damages caused by use in violation of points 1 to 12, and Hyre is entitled to full compensation for any financial expenses or losses. Violation of points 1 to 12 is considered a material breach of the terms of use and gives Hyre the right to terminate your profile with immediate effect. During the rental period and until the vehicle is returned to Hyre in accordance with this agreement, the renter assumes all responsibility for the vehicle and its use unless circumstances arise due to Hyre.

The renter acknowledges that Hyre leases the rental object, and the rental agreement is subordinate to the leasing contract between Hyre and the lessor. The renter consents that the lessor, without liability for compensation, may immediately reclaim the rental object if Hyre fails to fulfill its contractual obligations under the leasing contract. The renter is aware that they cannot, in any case, make claims for service or similar against the lessor.

Cleaning and Maintenance of the Vehicle’s Condition

The car must be returned in the same condition as when it was picked up, including all equipment. The car must always be emptied of trash and similar. The car must not be returned excessively dirty, i.e., it must be washed if it has been driven on dusty gravel roads, mud, freshly laid asphalt, or oil gravel. The renter must not return the car dirty inside beyond what can be expected from normal use (for example, dirty floor mats). If the car is returned in a condition that violates this, the renter may be charged for special cleaning and an associated administration fee. The renter is not required to wash off external dirt due to normal use before return, such as normal dust from driving on highways or minor mud residues on the tires in the event of bad weather.

In the case of inadequate cleaning, the Conditions for applicable prices, fees, and reimbursement rules apply.

Damages and Technical Issues Discovered at the Start of the Rental Agreement

In case of doubts regarding the maintenance or condition of the vehicle, Hyre should be contacted immediately, and the vehicle should not be used until the situation has been resolved with Hyre.

Technical issues that arise or come to Hyre's attention during the rental agreement, and which can be rectified within a reasonable period relative to the renter's needs and the rental duration, do not give the renter the right to terminate the rental agreement. If the renter chooses to terminate the rental agreement regardless, they will be responsible for paying the rental fee for the period, though this will be reduced for the time that would have been required for the repairs.

Damages and technical issues during the rental agreement

The renter must promptly contact Hyre regarding any damages or technical issues that arise. Hyre or its representative will then provide the renter with instructions on how to proceed. The renter is not permitted to carry out any repairs or improvements without prior approval from Hyre.

The renter is responsible for any thefts or damages that occur during the rental period. The vehicle is covered by a rental car insurance policy through If Skadeförsäkring, and liability is limited for damages and theft covered by the policy. The extent of the insurance is based on a direct agreement between the renter and If Skadeförsäkring.

The insurance deductible for damages applies according to the terms of the insurance policy. A separate agreement to reduce the renter's deductible can be made if Hyre offers this through its partner, If Skadeförsäkring. In the case of damage or negligence, the renter must pay the deductible immediately. Theft, fire, vandalism, and personal injury must be reported to the police without delay. Animal-related damages should also be reported to the police immediately. In cases of towing or vehicle assistance due to collisions, accidents, rollovers, vandalism, or other sudden external factors, a fixed deductible applies. Costs related to roadside assistance due to user-caused issues—such as refueling with the wrong fuel, lost keys, lockouts, or dead batteries caused by leaving headlights or similar items on—will be fully charged to the renter.

At the time of damage, the renter must complete a motor vehicle damage report (available in the car) and should not leave the vehicle without taking the prescribed safety measures. A fully completed damage report must be submitted to Hyre without delay after the damage occurs.

In cases where damage reports are not submitted to Hyre in accordance with the guidelines in this agreement, the renter is responsible for any additional costs incurred due to delayed or missed submission. Hyre reserves the right to charge the renter for any damages incurred within the scope of the insurance agreement. The renter must pay even if there is a dispute or if there is a basis for claiming compensation from a third party.

The insurance deductible and coverage are described in the insurance terms from If Skadeförsäkring.

Reporting damages and defects

Damages and defects should be reported to Hyre by contacting them via email at hej@hyre.se or through the chat. For immediate assistance, Hyre can be contacted at 077-575 76 00.

Damage control and inspection obligation

The renter must always check the exterior of the vehicle for damages or other defects and take photos of all sides of the car, both before pick-up and after returning the car. The renter must also check the interior condition at pick-up and return, reporting any discrepancies, including damages, trash, dirt, broken or missing equipment, unusual odors, or other conditions that affect the perceived condition of the vehicle. The renter must take photos of all reported issues that can be documented visually. If the renter is uncertain whether the vehicle's condition should be reported, Hyre’s customer service must be contacted to clarify before the renter leaves the parking location. The renter is responsible for documenting the vehicle's condition with photos of sufficient quality to capture any damages, scratches, or other defects before and after the rental period. Documenting the vehicle’s condition is required to complete a rental agreement (see the "Duration of Rental Agreement" section below). If the renter fails to document the vehicle’s condition, it is done at their own risk and is considered a material breach of the terms of use, giving Hyre the right to terminate the profile immediately. The renter is responsible for damages discovered after the rental period that were not documented before the rental agreement started.

By taking photos or videos during damage inspections to document the vehicle’s condition at pick-up and return, you grant Hyre a non-exclusive, transferable right to use, modify, publicly display, reproduce, distribute, and share this content with third parties.

Hyre’s obligations and responsibilities

Hyre is a service that connects renters and car owners, allowing them to easily and efficiently enter into a rental agreement. Hyre manages the creation of agreements, payments, damage checks, unlocking, insurance facilitation on behalf of If, and cost calculations. See the parties' responsibilities under the "Membership Terms" section.

Hyre offers several services through the Hyre app that the renter can use during the rental period, including:

  • Fuel refills
  • Parking services
  • Handling and payment of tolls

Any use of these services will be invoiced to the renter after the rental period ends.

If Hyre does not fulfill its obligations under this agreement, the renter may request that Hyre remedy the issue, provided it can be done without unreasonable cost or effort for Hyre. If Hyre is acting as a rental intermediary, Hyre serves as the point of contact and facilitator to ensure the agreement is fulfilled.

Hyre accepts no liability for damage to or loss of property that the renter or any other person has left behind, stored, or transported in the vehicle during the rental period or after return. The renter waives the right to make claims against Hyre for such losses or damages.

Hyre disclaims any responsibility to the renter for the loss of time, money, or other resources resulting from or connected to the rental agreement, except for the responsibilities outlined in the agreement. Compensation for indirect losses suffered by the renter, such as business interruption or lost profits due to the failure to initiate or fully fulfill a rental agreement, or losses due to damage to something other than the rental vehicle under the terms of § 67 of the Norwegian Sale of Goods Act, can only be claimed if Hyre has exhibited gross negligence or misconduct.

Hyre is not responsible for the content, material, or other items found on third-party websites that link to or are linked from Hyre.

Force Majeure

If Hyre is prevented from delivering the service or such delivery obligations become unreasonably burdensome due to labor conflicts or other circumstances beyond the parties' control, such as extreme weather, fire, war, mobilization, unforeseen military calls of similar scope, requisition, seizure, currency restrictions, riots, shortage of transportation, general goods shortages, reduced availability of fuel, and shortages or delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers due to such circumstances as addressed in this clause, Hyre is relieved of all liability.

Changes to the terms of use

Hyre reserves the right to change the terms of use. The current terms of use are available on Hyre's website and in the app. For significant changes to the terms of use, we will notify you within a reasonable time. By continuing to use the service after the changes take effect, you agree to the modified terms. If you do not accept the changes, you must refrain from using the service.

Disputes and applicable law

The terms of use are governed by Swedish law. Disputes arising in connection with the terms of use that cannot be resolved amicably shall be handled in a Swedish court, with the Stockholm District Court as the venue.