
Simplified car rental for your business

Smart solutions for employees on the go

A business account with Hyre gives your company all the benefits of a car without the need to own one. You save both time and money by reducing administration, and employees can rent cars as easily as if they were renting for personal use.

Cost saving

Hyre is an affordable and simple car rental service with smart solutions that can reduce your company’s car costs by over 50%.

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Easier for employees

With hundreds of cars available in Stockholm, employees save time when driving is more advantageous than public transport.

Better for the environment

One shared car replaces 10 private cars, freeing up space for housing, green areas, and people in our cities.

It all starts with a business account

Creating a business account with Hyre is fast, easy, and completely free, and you only pay when you rent a car. Enjoy flexible car rental access without fixed costs.

Rent a car from 39:-/hour or 199:-/day

Create a free account today 

Benefits of our business account
Employees can book cars themselves

With a business account, employees don’t need to cover their work trip expenses. They can easily book a rental car at the company’s expense.

Admins can book cars for employees

As an admin, you can book a car for others via the app or website. A text message with a link is automatically sent to the person renting the car, and they can just hop in and drive.

All costs on one invoice

All costs related to the trip, such as rental fees, tolls, and mileage, are automatically calculated. You can also pay for parking and fuel directly in the app, so all expenses are consolidated on a single invoice.

Assign rental costs to the right department or project

In the business portal, you can assign cost centers when booking a car, making it easy to distribute costs later. For example, you can allocate project or department numbers.

Full oversight and detailed reports

In the business portal, admins have full control over all active and previous rental agreements. You can export detailed accounting and usage reports to Excel for further analysis.

Find cars in the app

Frequently asked questions

Kostar det något att ha ett företagskonto?

Nej, det finns inga fasta kostnader för att ha ett företagskonto hos Hyre. Du debiteras bara när du faktiskt hyr en bil, och du kan lägga till så många anställda du vill.

Kan jag få alla kostnader på samma faktura?

Ja, du kan ansöka om att få en månadsfaktura eller en enstaka faktura när du skapat ett företagskonto, du får svar inom en arbetsdag.

Är det andra hyrespriser för företag?

Du betalar samma låga hyrespriser oavsett om du hyr privat eller via ett företagskonto hos Hyre.

Måste jag ha en extra användare utöver min privata?

Nej, du har samma användare och inloggning oavsett om du hyr för jobbet eller privat. Enda skillnaden är att du ändrar betalningssätt när du bokar en bil.